Designer by day,
designer by night.

Hi, I'm Jacque. Nice to meet you virtually! 🤙

About me.
I’ve always tinkered with web design since the early 2000s and custom-coded my first website in 2003. Designing websites and graphic illustrations were just part of a personal passion project. My goal at the time was to pursue journalism. I interned and worked at odds-and-ends research gigs at various local non-profits in hopes to land a journalism job with my bachelor's degree in communication.

In 2013, I got my foot in the door at a local news publication where I had the opportunity to wear many hats — from planning award shows, photographing those events, researching data to support breaking stories to designing the print and digital layouts of the publication. I even had the privilege to write a couple of stories! During my tenure in the newsroom, I started freelancing as a designer and re-discovered my passion for web design while pursuing my master's degree in communication. In 2018, I joined a local startup to really pursue my passion now turned 'professional' as a UI/UX designer. Shortly after, word of mouth led me into various UX design and product design freelancing gigs.

In 2020, I joined an agency but quickly quit my job in the middle of the pandemic to start my own digital design studio, Martial Moon, where I could stretch my skills into product management and design for multiple industries. It's still the early 2020s, but I’ve been fortunate enough to have led the design and product development for startups that have raised seed rounds, series A, series B, and companies that have been acquired. I truly feel honored I get to work alongside so many great companies and talented teams and individuals.

2000's. Web designer, graphic designer.
2010's. Researcher, corporate event planner, UI/UX designer.
2020's. Product designer, product management & development.

I'm passionate about designing software applications  — both the strategy and the experience, and currently dabbing into web3.